Writer / Producer

Alison hails from the frigid north (AKA Minnesota) where she spent her formative years playing soccer and acting on stage. She liked the Twin Cities enough to stick around for college and studied anthropology, studio art, and art history.
After spending nearly a decade volunteering and working in the museum world, she decided she needed a change. So, Alison embarked on the next chapter of her life following her Roman historian husband on his academic meanderings. This has taken her around Europe, including summers as an object photographer at a dig site in Greece and a year in Bulgaria working as an English teacher. Though she currently hangs her hat in Freiburg, Germany, 2023 will see a return to the USA once again.
The one constant through all of this bouncing around has been her love of storytelling. It began with novels and short stories while recovering from surgery in 2014, but her focus has become screenwriting as of 2020. She consumes what she lovingly calls “an alarming amount of media” in her pursuit of understanding narratives and how they evoke feelings in the audience. Alison is mainly interested in writing 1-hour dramas, and her two female-driven pilots are in the top 3% on Coverfly. This includes Curio, a TV series in development with Quivalon.
For Quivalon
Within Quivalon, Alison is a Jill of all Trades. Though she started as a PA, she quickly made herself indispensable and now plays a major role in many facets of the larger World of HOOD endeavor. This includes writing, directing, producing, marketing, text editing, video editing, project management, website management, and graphic design.
“When I first learned about HOOD, I knew I had to be part of it. It ticks so many boxes for me! Amazing female characters, an altered timeline, and a dash of magic… how could I resist? This is exactly the kind of thing I like to write, and I couldn’t be happier to be part of this amazing team. I’ve learned so much already, and I am ready for more.”
Alison on HOOD
Alison’s Favourites
DEATHBED WATCH: The Princess Bride
PAGE-TURNER: Anything by Neil Gaiman
LITTLE KNOWN GEM: Six String Samurai, a 1998 USA film by Lance Mungia
GUILTY PLEASURE: Reality TV, especially shows where they compete by doing creative things or cooking
CURRENT ADDICTION: Zimtsterne (spiced German Xmas cookies)
- Website:
- Twitter: A_Weaverdyck
- Check out all of Alison’s projects on her Coverfly profile